Become a data-driven decision-maker and improve your problem-solving skills

As the digital world plays an increasingly large part in our daily lives, then too does the use of data. It is arguably one of the well-nigh valuable commodities in the world, and this 2-week class will teach you methods to tap into its potential in your daily life and career.

You'll be introduced to key data concepts every bit you lot learn how to solve everyday problems and make constructive decisions using data.

You lot'll also develop skills to help you analyse and interpret trends, and produce a plan to solve a real-world problem with prove and information.

Detect the importance of data collection

To understand why data collection is then valuable, yous'll explore its notion and pregnant before learning primal terminology.

You'll consider the differences between information, metadata, and how individual sets of information can come together to form datasets that give you greater insights and an understanding of a situation.

Understand information ethics in real-world situations

It's of import to explore the ethics and rules of using other people'due south data then you lot sympathize the restrictions to adhere to.

Yous'll examine how information is created, shared, and used in surprising ways before debating the ethical considerations of data drove.

You'll also learn how to present data in a meaningful style that's piece of cake to understand through data visualisation techniques. To give real-world context to your learning, you'll study these information concepts through the case study of a small business owner.

Whether you're entering the world of work or forging a new career for yourself, this grade volition help prepare you for the fast-moving digital space.

Skip to 0 minutes and 7 seconds Ryzard Akita: We hear a lot about data. How it's been stolen from usa or used against united states of america is ane of the most valuable bolt in the earth. Data can often experience like something for analysts or programmers. But you tin can use the power of information to help you in your daily life and your career. Solving issues with evidence and data volition requite you the tools to develop useful skills that'll help you analyse and interpret trends and data. This grade is role of a program of three courses into solving bug with technology strand from Future Learn, the Institute of Coding, and the University of Leeds. You'll be discussing the methods that data gets created, shared, and used in surprising ways.

Skip to 0 minutes and 51 seconds Yous'll experiment with using visualizations to make data quicker and easier to empathise. Debate the ideals of information drove. And detect only why the data about what you lot look at on Facebook is so valuable. This course is role of our suite of professional and digital skill courses from the University of Leeds and the Constitute of Coding. Covering topics from coding to social media marketing. All available for free to help y'all build your career today. Whether yous're new to the world of work or forging a new career for yourself, we look forward to sharing your journeying into the fast-moving digital space.

What topics volition y'all cover?

  • Explore the notion of data and what that actually means
  • Learn the cardinal terminology related to dealing with data
  • Explore how data tin be used to solve problems
  • Explore individual sets of information that tin can exist brought together to grade datasets, which can then be used for greater insights
  • Explore the ideals and rules of using other people's data
  • Learn how to turn data into something visual and easy to sympathize

Bear witness you're task set

Highlight the new, chore-relevant skills y'all've gained and supplement existing qualifications with a difficult-earned, industry-specific digital document – plus one for every course within your ExpertTrack.

  • Learn the latest in your called manufacture or subject area.

  • Consummate each course and pass assessments.

  • Receive certificates validated by the educating organisation.

  • Impress employers with learning outcomes you can add to your CV.

  • Make your career dreams a reality.

Learning on this course

You can take this self-guided course and learn at your own footstep. On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the class, you'll be able to...

  • Describe the divergence between data, metadata and knowledge

  • Summarise how data is used to solve problems

  • Interpret trends and analyse patterns from a dataset

  • Debate the ethical considerations of data drove

  • Produce a program to solve a trouble with prove and data

  • Apply a simple visualisation technique to make information easier to empathize and piece of work with

Who is the class for?

This course is designed for people looking to piece of work with data to progress in their electric current function or to enter the digital workplace.

It will help you build conviction in using digital technology and boost your digital skills.

Who will y'all acquire with?

Who adult the grade?

University of Leeds

As one of the UK'southward largest research-based universities, the University of Leeds is a member of the prestigious Russell Grouping and a heart of excellence for teaching.

Institute of Coding

The Constitute of Coding is a family unit of learners, businesses and educators creating a new way to develop the digital skills needed at work and beyond.

Endorsers and supporters

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About this ExpertTrack

Build determination-making skills using design thinking, data, and planning to help y'all solve bug in the workplace and across.

Start learning today - free 7-solar day trial

After your free trial you tin can:

  • Pay


    per month to keep learning online

  • Accept complete command over your subscription; you can cancel any time

  • Piece of work at your own pace and fix your ain deadlines at every stage

  • Only pay while you're learning; the subscription will abolish automatically when yous end

  • Complete online assessments to test your noesis and testify your skills

  • Earn digital course certificates and a final award that you can share online, with potential employers, and your professional network

  • Keep access to the content of courses y'all complete even after your subscription ends

Learning on FutureLearn

Your learning, your rules

  • Courses are carve up into weeks, activities, and steps, simply you tin complete them as quickly or slowly as you like
  • Learn through a mix of bite-sized videos, long- and brusque-grade articles, sound, and applied activities
  • Stay motivated by using the Progress page to go on rail of your footstep completion and cess scores

Bring together a global classroom

  • Experience the power of social learning, and get inspired by an international network of learners
  • Share ideas with your peers and grade educators on every pace of the course
  • Join the chat past reading, @ing, liking, bookmarking, and replying to comments from others

Map your progress

  • As you work through the course, use notifications and the Progress page to guide your learning
  • Whenever you lot're ready, marking each step as complete, you're in command
  • Complete ninety% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate

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