
Tales of the Dragon Age of Mythology Multiplayer Review

Release date: 2016
Version played: PC via Steam in 2016

The most contempo expansion for the decade-plus former game, Tale of the Dragon is an improver for Age of Mythology Extended Edition (which I reviewed here). This new package adds the Chinese civilisation to the game, with the pick to worship Fu Xi, Nü Wa or Shennong, and some other dozen or so minor deities to expand your empires in various means. New soldiers and mythical units, besides as tide-turning god powers are also added, each with their own unique fashion to sway the tide of battle, exist information technology with economic value or destructive force. The nine-level campaign features diverse objective-based levels as players command General Jiao-Long in a quest to restore Yin and Yang to the land.

+ the Chinese soldier units are backwards from the rock-paper-pair of scissors gainsay from the base game. The Chinese cavalry are adept against infantry, infantry against archers and archers against cavalry. It caught me off guard several times before I was able to wrap my head around this, but information technology soon showed the new depth combat can accept
+ the Chinese god powers are worthy to stand up alongside the Norse, Egyptian, Greek and Atlantean counter parts, with none feeling over powered or unfair. A great overflowing, and a sentry-style dragon are some personal favourites
+ various levels of the Chinese 'Tale of the Dragon' campaign try new things, including optional objectives and some minor mini-games. These "unlock" diverse units or edifice in each level, though none were mandatory for completion. Information technology was an unexpected only interesting way to 'spice up' the standard gameplay. A handful of the ix-mission entrada scenarios did not even characteristic base edifice
+ the Chinese civilization pattern is fresh; siege units are human infantry, the aforementioned strength/weakness swaps and the ability to create monks (which act the same every bit their 'wololo' counterparts from the original Age of Empires) was a welcome add-on

– from the very beginning, information technology is clear that in that location was lots of re-used avails; the ii heroes you control throughout are simple re-skins of 'The Titans' Kastor, and a third is a barely modified Setna from the original game. I was non expecting anything groundbreaking, but these units feature the aforementioned model and special attacks, which made this often feel like a simple mod, rather than an official expansion
– I have to admit the voice acting is just as bad as the original game; if the models can be forgiven for sticking with the one-time, the voice acting could have been improved at to the lowest degree a little scrap
– the new entrada is very brusque, and features almost unanimously Chinese-vs-Chinese levels; even a single level going up against the Greek armies, or a familiar face up from the previous games would not take been amiss. There were too many times where the campaign levels had some shoddy pattern, where enemies were able to walk through a wood or through a unmarried-cake gap in a cliff which was seemingly unintentional and very frustrating

> later purchasing the base game many years ago, I often wanted the ability to play on larger maps (larger than the 'Large' on offering); this new expansion has added 'Giant' which fulfills that need of mine quite nicely

Should you play this game: At first, I was difficult-pressed to notice annihilation particularly great to propose this. But the more I played, the more I was impressed with how well the new Chinese faction was designed (if not in terms of looks, then at least in gameplay). I bought this for v dollars in a Steam sale, and in that regard it was certainly worth it. If you are itching for some new real-time strategy gameplay, then it might be worth the usual price of $10. Fans of the original game, or RTS games in full general will notice something to go on them going hither.


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